A7FL football

What is A7FL Football and How is it Played?

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History of A7FL Football

Rules and Regulations of A7FL

Players in A7FL football play on a 100-yard field, similar to traditional football, but with some notable differences. The game lacks helmets or pads, which distinguishes it from traditional football. Instead, players wear only mouth guards and protective eyewear. This makes the game more challenging and requires players to rely on their athleticism and skill rather than relying on the protection provided by the equipment.

Each team consists of 7 players, with no substitutions allowed. Like traditional football, this game has similar positions such as quarterback, running back, and wide receivers on offense, and linebackers, defensive backs, and a rusher on defense. The rusher on the line of scrimmage can rush the quarterback as soon as the ball is snapped.

The games consist of four 12-minute quarters, with a 5-minute halftime break. The sport also has a unique scoring system, with touchdowns worth 6 points, and no field goals or extra points. Instead, teams have the option to go for 1 point, 2 points, or 3 points by completing a play from scrimmage after a touchdown.

Differences between A7FL Football and Traditional Football

Another significant difference is the scoring system. A7FL does not include field goals or extra points, requiring teams to complete a play from scrimmage to earn points after a touchdown. This adds to the strategic aspect of the game, requiring teams to take risks to score points.

A7FL football

Why is A7FL Football Exciting to Watch and Play?

A7FL emphasizes athleticism, skill, and strategy over size and brute force, making it an exciting sport to watch and play. The absence of helmets and pads means players rely on agility and quickness to avoid tackles and make plays. A smaller team size and unique scoring system make A7FL more strategic and exciting for both players and fans.

Another reason why this sport is exciting is the level of competition. Because there are only a few teams in the league, each game is highly competitive, and players must bring their A-game to be successful. Traditional football cannot match the level of excitement and intensity created by A7FL football.


or pads, making it a more challenging and thrilling sport to play and watch. With its unique rules and scoring system, the sport offers a fresh and exciting take on traditional football. It is no surprise that this new format of football is gaining popularity among fans and players alike.

If you’re a fan of American football, then A7FL football is definitely a league to keep an eye on. Fast-paced gameplay, unique rules, and emphasis on athleticism and skill make A7FL football entertaining and captivating for audiences. A7FL football promises to continue entertaining and captivating audiences for years to come.


Is A7FL football safe to play without helmets and pads?

Players in A7FL football wear protective eyewear and mouth guards, despite the lack of helmets and pads. The league also has strict rules in place to ensure player safety.

How many teams are in the A7FL?

As of 2023, there are 12 teams in the A7FL, with teams located in various cities across the United States.

Can players specialize in one position or do they have to be versatile?

The limited 7-player team in A7FL does not allow substitutions, requiring players to be versatile and play multiple positions.

How does the scoring system work in A7FL football?

Teams can earn 6 points for a touchdown and can choose to score 1, 2, or 3 additional points by completing a scrimmage play.

Is A7FL football becoming more popular than traditional football?

A7FL football is gaining popularity but traditional football is still more popular. However, A7FL offers a unique and exciting alternative for those looking for something different.

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