
A7FL vs. Traditional Football: What’s the Difference?

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A7FL Football Overview

Traditional Football Overview

In traditional football, eleven players participate on each team and the players wear helmets and pads for protection as it is a contact sport. The gameplay is slower and more methodical than A7FL, with a greater emphasis on brute strength and physicality.

Field and Equipment: A7FL vs. Traditional Football

Field Size

In A7FL, the field is 100 yards long and 40 yards wide, with no end zones. Instead, there are two small cones placed at each end of the field that serve as the goal line. In traditional football, the field is also 100 yards long, but it is 53.3 yards wide and includes end zones that are 10 yards deep.

A7FL vs. Traditional Football


A7FL players wear only mouthguards and optional soft-shell helmets, while traditional football players wear helmets, shoulder pads, hip pads, thigh pads, knee pads, and cleats.

Game Rules: A7FL vs. Traditional Football


In A7FL, the scoring is similar to traditional football, with six points awarded for a touchdown and one point for an extra point kick or two points for a conversion run. However, there are no field goals in A7FL, and the only way to score points from a distance is by completing a pass.


A7FL games are played in two halves of 20 minutes each, while traditional football games consist of four quarters of 15 minutes each.

Number of Players (A7FL vs. Traditional Football)

A7FL has only seven players on each team, while traditional football has eleven players on each team.


Due to the limited 7-player team and the absence of substitutions during a play, A7FL players need to have versatility and the ability to play multiple positions. This requirement creates a unique challenge for players compared to traditional football, where substitutions are allowed at any time, and the larger team size allows for more specialized positions.

Tackling and Blocking

Player Safety

Helmets and Pads: A7FL vs. Traditional Football

A7FL players do not wear helmets and pads, which can lead to more injuries such as concussions. Traditional football players wear helmets and pads to protect themselves from head and body injuries.

A7FL vs. Traditional Football

Concussion Risks: A7FL vs. Traditional Football

In A7FL, there is a greater risk of concussions due to the lack of protective gear. In traditional football, there is still a risk of concussions, but the helmets and pads provide some protection.

Strategy and Gameplay: A7FL vs. Traditional Football

Offensive and Defensive Formations

A7FL teams typically use a spread offense formation, with three wide receivers, one tight end, and one running back. Defensively, teams use a 3-2-1 formation, with three linemen, two linebackers, and one safety. Traditional football teams use various offensive and defensive formations, depending on the game situation.


A7FL games feature a lot of passing and trick plays, as the lack of protective gear allows for more agility and creativity on the field. Traditional football games feature a mix of passing and running plays, with less focus on trick plays.

Style of Play

A7FL has a more open and fast-paced style of play, with a greater emphasis on speed and athleticism. Traditional football has a slower and more methodical style of play, with a greater emphasis on brute strength and physicality.

Popularity and Future Outlook: A7FL vs. Traditional Football

A7FL football is still a relatively new sport, but it has gained popularity in recent years. It offers a unique and exciting alternative to traditional football, and its focus on skill and athleticism appeals to many fans. However, the lack of protective gear and the increased risk of injuries may limit its growth and popularity in the long run.


A7FL football and traditional football are both variations of American football, but they have significant differences in terms of gameplay, rules, and safety. A7FL emphasizes skill and athleticism, while traditional football emphasizes physicality and strength. Both sports have their pros and cons, and fans can enjoy them for their unique qualities.


Is A7FL football more dangerous than traditional football?

A7FL football is generally considered to be more dangerous due to the lack of protective gear and the increased risk of injuries such as concussions.

How many players are on each team in A7FL football?

There are seven players on each team in A7FL football, compared to eleven players on each team in traditional football.

What is the scoring system in A7FL football?

A7FL football uses a similar scoring system to traditional football, with six points awarded for a touchdown and one or two points awarded for a conversion.

Can A7FL players block below the waist?

No, A7FL players are not allowed to block below the waist or make contact with the head.

Will A7FL football become more popular than traditional football?

It is unlikely that A7FL football will become more popular than traditional football, but it offers a unique and exciting alternative for fans who enjoy its style of play.

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